ChessPlusPlus  WIP Community Project
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CApplicationRepresents the application and holds the current AppState
 CAppStateBase class for application states
 CChessPlusPlusStateThe AppState class for the state of the chess gameplay
 CStartMenuStateHandles the start screen/main menu for the game
 CBoardManages pieces on a chess board
 CMovementsHolds the valid movements for all pieces on the board
 CBoardConfigHolds configuration values for the board (layout, metadata, etc)
 CConfigurationHolds configuration settings that affect the behavior of the game
 CResourcesConfigHolds configuration for resources (graphics, fonts, etc)
 CGraphicsHandlerHandles drawing graphics, such as pieces, trajectories, and boards
 CPieceA chess piece
 CResourceManagerManages resources used by the application
 CResourceThe base class for all resource classes
 CSfmlFileResourceWrap an SFML class for use with the ResourceManager as a file resource
 CExceptionThe base exception class for all ChessPlusPlus exceptions
 CSfmlEventHandlerBase class for all classes wishing to process SFML events
 CLogUtilReplaces std::clog, std::cerr, std::cout with file streams