ChessPlusPlus  WIP Community Project
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cchesspp::app::ApplicationRepresents the application and holds the current AppState
 Cchesspp::board::BoardManages pieces on a chess board
 Cchesspp::config::ConfigurationHolds configuration settings that affect the behavior of the game
 Cchesspp::config::BoardConfigHolds configuration values for the board (layout, metadata, etc)
 Cchesspp::config::ResourcesConfigHolds configuration for resources (graphics, fonts, etc)
 Cchesspp::ExceptionThe base exception class for all ChessPlusPlus exceptions
 Cchesspp::gfx::GraphicsHandlerHandles drawing graphics, such as pieces, trajectories, and boards
 Cchesspp::util::KeyIter< Map >
 CLogUtilReplaces std::clog, std::cerr, std::cout with file streams
 Cchesspp::util::MakeSigned< T >
 Cchesspp::board::Board::MovementsHolds the valid movements for all pieces on the board
 Cchesspp::piece::PieceA chess piece
 Cchesspp::util::Position< T >
 Cchesspp::util::Range< ItT >
 Cchesspp::res::ResourceManager::ResourceThe base class for all resource classes
 Cchesspp::res::SfmlFileResource< sfmlT >Wrap an SFML class for use with the ResourceManager as a file resource
 Cchesspp::res::ResourceManagerManages resources used by the application
 Cchesspp::SfmlEventHandlerBase class for all classes wishing to process SFML events
 Cchesspp::app::AppStateBase class for application states
 Cchesspp::app::ChessPlusPlusStateThe AppState class for the state of the chess gameplay
 Cchesspp::app::StartMenuStateHandles the start screen/main menu for the game